Sunday 25 March 2012


For our research prezentation I used the online site prezi. It was my first time to use it and found it way better than a power point presentation as you can fit a lot more into the slides and its ability to use the zooming in. Here is the link to my presentation.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Research Week

This is my first week in VisCom and i was keen to see the brief. The brief is titled 'World with a Future'. Our task is to design a set of 4 stamps as a means of encouraging consumers to make positive environmental changes and educate future generations in reducing waste and conserve energy. For the minute I am just looking at all the different ways we could improve our environment. I started looking into energy conservation and light pollution. I'm also looking at water conservation and the water crisis as i'm not sure yet what direction i will take. For next Tuesday we have to have a presentation ready with 10 slides of all the research we have done and where we think we'll go with the project.